Hi Everyone,
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This year has been a great year for us and to top it all, I am so grateful for the opportunity to have connected with you all.
Your contributions and participation in Bukville have been invaluable. That is why I am asking for your opinions on what you think of Bukville and what you expect from it in the future.
Tolu said “it is not fictional in any way, if it tries, then the whole message of Bukville is defeated”
Blimey said “Bukville is therapy to some, encouragement to some, wake up call for others, and hope and inspiration for a lot of people. It is straight from the heart without reservation”
Excellent feedback! Tolu and Blimey, – I am staying well away from friction, thanks!
I am asking you the same question. Please be honest, otherwise it wont help me. Please don’t hold back, we need to know the truth in order to grow. So bring it on people!
Bukville is all about “learning and growing together” and that way I can help serve you better.
Thanks for all your suggestions on future posts:
@Amira – You asked to shed more light on “Honoring our husband”, watch out for that in the New Year.
@Ekundayo – Your request for an article on “Dealing with the past” is coming up soon in January 2011.
The vision for Bukville is to discuss practical issues that affect our lives based on the Word of God.
-To empower ourselves with tools we can use and apply now in our lives.
-To move from an average to an amazing life in Christ.
A platform for learning and growing together.
A place of honesty and speaking the truth in love.
Thank you all very much; I couldn’t have done this without you. Your part is very vital to our continuous growth together.
You are never too late to join any discussion on Bukville, life is forever evolving. No comment is stupid , your life experiences that you have shared with us is life transforming and powerful.
Sometimes we have disagreed on issues such as this post. Thank you for sharing your various views in a constructive and polite manner.
Other times we have cried and laughed together.
We also enjoyed bragging and celebrating our husbands and fathers too.
Thanks to you and my fellow bloggers who re-posted a letter to my husband Adey on twitter and cyber space. Amazing what a simple but honest letter can do? Thanks!
One of my biggest and unexpected surprise was the increase in male followers! Thanks to all the brothers for their support and encouragement. I value the male perspective and welcome more of it, thanks!
Thanks for all your private emails and chat via Skype. I feel honored that you would share intimate part of your life with me. You are more than just fans or “cyber friends”. You are family and I am praying along with you.
Some of you I have met in person, it was lovely to meet up with you at Lakewood Church when Joyce Meyer visited. You know who you are, thank you for your time.
So put your thinking caps on and share your thoughts and what you would love to see on Bukville in 2011.
The best is yet to come, your best days are ahead of you and not behind. I pray for God’s blessings, which maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow be upon you all, Amen.
I've only been reading your blog for a few weeks now and in that time I've been blessed.
I personally would like to know how to deal with past pain and also how to share another person's joy in spite of still being in the waiting process for my own answered prayer. Just continue to be spirit-led, great blog!
Nike, Thanks for your comments, and suggestion for future posts. Watch out in January 2011, as we discuss dealing with the past.
Thank you for your honesty, determination and commitment to your personal growth. It takes a bigger person to celebrate and share another person's joy in spite of being in transition themselves. I truly believe you have come a long way and you are closer than you think to what God is about to do in your life. Wishing all of God's best and so much more in 2011.
Merry christmas and a happy new year to u too…..ur blog has been quite helpfull…..I really do tank u for sharing…..and look forward to more….
Ayo, Wishing you a fabulous New Year and all of God's best in 2011. I am excited about what God is going to do in all our lives as we learn and grow together.
I'm increasingly being blessed by the content on Bukville.
I'd like to read about relationship & timing- meeting someone u like so much but not being emotionally ready.
Deji, Thank you for your support and suggestion for future postings. All the best in 2011.
buky, bukville is a blessing to me , thank God for you everyday , please stay away from fiction , we have lots boring us already, buky , you have been God-sent this year. Merry Christmas
Tolu, I am so proud and excited for what God is doing in your life and am digging your blog too!! Get ready, get ready, get ready for 2011.
Hi love! Merry Christmas to you all! So proud of you for stepping out and starting Bukville. Love your insights and practical advice. Keep it coming.
Thanks Sheena, wishing you a happy new year and all of God's blessing. Thanks for your support always.
Please keep being yourself, staying true to you and to God:)… being led by God to do whatever it is He wants you to do, and to write whatever He wants you to write…at every point in time. (amen).
Wishing you all the very best as always!
God bless!
Bomi, thank you very much for those kind and encouraging words.The best we can be is being ourselves
First time here, actually your blog was recommended to me. I like how you share your personal experiences using them for the glory of God, however if we're being honest here its always best to be humble under the grace of God bearing in mind that we deserve absolutely nothing from Him and so when He does bless us it is out of His goodness and nothing to do with our own merit. We are able to learn such humbleness from the story of Joseph along with many others in the Bible. Thirteen years forgotten and abandoned in a prison, unjustly accused, mistreated by people he cared about (his brothers) and by people he helped (the cupbearer and the baker). When the time came for God to restore and bless Joseph to a high position, Joseph received it with humbleness.
I just think you should take a look at your selah notes dated the 21st and 22nd December. Other than that, good blog.
Beatrice, Thank you for visiting and I am so glad your friend recommended Bukville. You are the first one to make mention of Selah Notes (yey).
Thank you for your comment and taking the time to read my blog.
What I have come to appreciate from others is the opportunity to learn, grow and see other's perspective. Thank you for your honesty, I truly appreciate and respect you for it.
I hope in time, you will come to see that its all about God getting the Glory and Honor. In the main time, i am going to keep bragging about his goodness, favor, mercy and love. I just cant shut up about it!!.
Here is wishing you all of God's best for 2011 and I pray we'll all do great things together in 2011.
Buky please don't misundersstand me. I'm not saying you shouldn't thank God, indeed we are to do so for two important reasons, the first one being that when we thank God we acknowledge where our blessings come from and give Him the glory afterall all glory is His and He will not share it with another. The second reason being is that when we praise God publicly and share with others what the Lord has done, we are encouraging others and reminding them that God is still mighty to act in their lives. I am not in any way saying that you should keep your praise between you and God, that is not what I am saying, remember the parable of the ten lepers, ten were healed but only one came back to say 'thank-you'. One of the lessons God taught me in my own time of trial was humbleness and consideration for others. I'll use myself as an example. I had been waiting on God for something. My prayers turned into days, months and years. Where was God, had He forgotten me, when was He going to come to my aid? Others seemed to constantly be showered with blessings, one after the other whilst my own life was in darkness I felt like I was in a bottomless pit. I began to doubt God's love for me, question if He even heard my cries whilst it appeared that some people contantly had His attention. I felt unloved, forgotten and began to feel as though I had done something so terribly wrong like the worst sinner on earth which was why God was seeminly ignoring me.
There are many people who feel that way today, wondering when their turn will come, if it will ever come. Wondering why their spending years praying with no visible results and others appear to be God's favourites when He Himself said in Romans 2:11 that He does not show favourtism.
When you are 'bragging' and 'boasting' just be mindful that there are many questioning God's love for them, many still waiting for their own blessings and many who feel forgotten about. God doesn't want any of His children to feel that way because the fact is its not true, however life can seem that way for some. We are told in the Bible not to cause our fellow brethen to stumble, this scripture doesn't just apply to how women dress in the church to distract men but in all areas including our speech and the words we use.
Its not what you said Buky but HOW you said it.
I read your entire blog in just one sitting today. I like how you share your peronal experiences. Remember how it must've stung you each time you were around a happy mother with her baby 'bragging' about how happy she was and how exciting motherhood is and how cute her baby was and blah blah blah whilst you were holding back tears, still waiting for your own. Should that 'happy' mother had kept her joy to herself? Cetainly not! But she should've been considerate with her words when there was a lady in front of her crying on the inside. Thank God your story has changed.
Amen to your prayers.
Hi Beatrice, I trust it is well with you, apologizes for just replying.
Please check your inbox/spam folder and i look forward to your reply.
Thank you for your frank, candid and honest reply. I really appreciate it and it says a lot about your character.
I thank God for you, for giving your so much wisdom and grace to put your point across without malice and showing a lot of humility.
I am not beyond correction, and i am willing to learn from anyone.
Please continue to speak the truth in love regardless. The truth will always stand the test of time, they are often not popular but its is better than a lie.
Remain blessed my friend
bukky you cant imagine how encourging your blog is for me . Thank you for showing me how practical Gods word can be in my daily life and this coming year i look foward to more of that. For me this coming year is for my relationship with God to grow and stop taking Gods grace for granted by being lukewarm. leave all that in 2010 and im glad that you will be a part of that.
Mbabazi, thank you very much for being part of Bukville. I am glad that we are all going to move forward to greater level in our walk with God. I am glad that you will be a part of it too.
A Big thank you to everyone for your comments and suggestions. I really do take them on board otherwise I wont ask you for them.
Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to an exciting year ahead of us all
Buky of Bukville
Bukville is a blessing to me.You are a God sent to me!I thank God for allowing you to have time for us .Specially when you have young children.In 2011 will like to read more about life after "divorce".I know already that He is our healer.More blessing to u and family.
Mahoro25, You are a blessing and God sent to me also, You can not imagine how much I have learnt and still learning from you all. You people have given a reason to carry on blogging and I am grateful for the connection, God has brought us all together for a purpose.
I just sent you an email, please check your inbox/spam folder, look forward to your reply.
Thank YOU Aunty B!!! You may never know it but you are a big time inspiration to me. I thank God for your life. He has placed a gift in you and you are not burying it. Instead you are using it to help people like me grow everyday. God bless you loads.
Lots of love,
Thank you Temi, God gave everyone of us diverse gifts and we must continue to use it to proclaim the good news. Thanks for your continues support and encouragement.
Buky, I just came across your site today, don't know where I've been all these time :-( But I just wanted to say welldone on the blog and your way with words and thank you!
Olanike, welcome and I look forward to getting to know you more. Thank your for stopping by and leaving a comment. You got here just right on time as we are about to do great things together this year.
Have a great week!