Hello Blogsville

Hello Everyone

It’s been a little while. I am returning from my self-imposed maternity leave.

So here is the 411 from mommy-land, adjusting to life as a mother of 3 is no joking matter. The past few weeks flew by so fast I am left wondering what has been happening in the real world?

Under normal circumstances I would have been glued to the TV watching the royal wedding. I got to see some of it but not much. Where was I when President Obama announced the death of Osama? I was snoozing happily on the sofa after Joshua finally allowed me to put him down.  It didn’t last long before Joshua woke me up again at midnight that is when I found out about Osama.

The month of March was a special one, not just because of Joshua’s arrival but it was also David’s 2nd birthday.  Faith turned 4yrs in April; we certainly had our hands full for sure. No parties, just presents, cake, balloons pizza and ice cream. The children were more interested in the balloons; sometimes I wonder why we bother with the extras, lol

Joshua has a great pair of lungs and he uses it as much as possible, that boy can cry! I told him that he is going to need it in order to lead God’s people into the promise land, but must he practice on me? LOL. Joshua loves nothing but to sleep thru the day and stay up from 11pm into the early morning. I have been laying hands and speaking in tongues on him. I have been seriously suffering from sleep deprivation in a way I have never experienced ever. When Joshua cries, OMG! He goes from gear 1 to 10 without warning.

He has gained weight, not surprising with the amount of food he’s consuming. He insisted on being carried all the time. I have kind of given-in for now, to stop him from screaming the house down.

The good Lord never gives us more than we can handle, just when I was about to throw in the towel and do the ugly cry. God sent us a wonderful lady to help us out. Before then it was just Adey and I slugging it out. God’s grace has been with us through out and I am feeling great by the day.

In all of this I have discover more about myself; I am not good at asking for help, I would rather pay for help, even though we have been offered help but I am not good at asking for it.

So while taking good care of my family, ask me am I taking good care of myself? The answer is no! This is what all mothers do; take care of everyone except themselves. Well, I am going to put a stop to that and go get myself checked out. I can’t afford to fall sick.

I have several blog-post lined up so watch out.

Thanks for checking on me and sticking around.


About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.


  1.  It can’t be easy taking care of three kids, all toddlers. Well, do take care of yourself and God will grant you the grace to continue doing a marvelous job. Take care.

  2. Sister mi, I never think twice  that you are a wonderful woman, God bless you and your family. We the blogging family have missed you and we fully understand. I am so proud of u sister any day.

  3. Carole in the UK

     I am so glad that you gave us this update Buky, as I was recently wondering how you were doing.
    It sounds like we are going to see wonderful blog posts coming out of your experience.
    Thank God that He knew you needed help and quickly came to your aid by sending you a  ‘wonderful lady’.
    May He continue to provide every need for you and your family, according to His riches in glory, through Christ Jesus.
    God Bless x

  4. welcome back..looking forward to your wonderful postings..

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