Who Is On Your Dream Team?

Have you heard the saying “No Man Is An Island’?

I recently took a break from blogging and one of the lessons I learned on my break is to build my “Dream Team”.

Even though I didn’t realize it, I was trying to do everything by myself and it was killing my body. As a new mom of 3, I found myself really struggling this time around. I have never felt this lethargic before in my life. I did consider maybe I was suffering from some sort of depression or hormonal imbalance.

It was just my body telling me to take time out and learn to ask for help. I have come to realize that I need a team of people to help me function effectively.

The idea of building a support team is nothing new to those in the corporate world and celebrities but to SAHM, working moms, singles or college students we don’t think of ourselves as needing a “Dream Team”.

You already have a team whether you acknowledge it or not. These are people you are paying for services rendered such as your Doctor, counselor, dentist, Nanny and Life Coach etc.

So who is on your dream team? Who has got your back when you are in desperate need of help? Choose carefully those that will be part of your team, they don’t necessary have to be your family members. Often times, families are not living close by, especially in my case.

When choosing your dream team, be very selective and make sure that your needs will be met, they can deliver and they all equally are bringing something of value.

These Are Some Of My Dream Team.

Husband ~ The No.1 member of my dream team, my partner, lover and Mr. tell me the truth at all times. No one has my back like he does, he is faithful, loyal, and patient, but most of all he allows me to flourish. 

Nanny ~ The bible says who can find a virtuous woman? I say who can find a wonderful awesome nanny. Initially I used to think that nannies are for the children only, but that has changed. I believe that they can also provide a great friendship to moms too. I am a better mom because of them. 

The Experienced Mammas ~ I first mentioned them in this post and I believe that we all could use one or two of them. In the last 4 months since I had Joshua, I don’t know what I would have done without these women. They are full of wisdom and nothing is ever a big deal to them. They bring with them over 40 years of marital bliss and devoted Christians, mothers and life-changers. They speak life into any grey areas I might have through prayers and godly wisdom. You mammas are the best!

My iphone ~ this is no joke; I spend a lot of time with my iphone. He is my lonely nighttime companion when Joshua refuses to go back to sleep. He is my constant buddy that I frequently check stock prices on while feeding Josh and I can’t reach for my laptop. I take tons of pictures daily of our children because of my loyal iphone is always close by, talk about catching the moments! I can balance Joshua on one hand and use the other hand to tap my bible apps during church service, talk about multi-tasking!! iphone you are awesome, one of the smartest invention of our times.

My Apple MacBook Air Laptop ~ Seriously, what will I do without my flat and lightweight easy to carry around gadget in my handbag or diaper bag. This was a gift from my gizmo-loving husband and I tend to spend a lot of time just typing away, surfing the Internet or skyping with friends. Ever since you arrived my poor Ipad has become redundant. All the same you are a jolly fella to have around, did I mention the battery life is off the chart and they have excellent software bundle thrown into it. Talk about making homemade movies so easy. I’ve got to stop since Apple does not need the infomercial.

My Hairdresser ~ It takes a lot of planning just to leave the house with 3 children. The last thing I want to do is take them all with me to the salon. I am fortunate enough to have my hairdresser do home visit. Sasha makes me look good without sweating it. She brings everything she need and I just sit my lovely self down. When I was pregnant, I would just fall asleep while she does my hair, ha ha ha wonderful!

Do you have a dream team? Let’s hear about them?

About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.


  1. Praise God, Buky, I am so happy to see you are back, I have missed you!

    I would say my dream team are:-

    My Prayer partners –  Joan (UK) and Casandra (Florida) who are both my blood sisters. We can telephone each other at anytime of the day or night for prayer, intercession and long drawn out chats about what God is doing in our lives.

    My Spiritual Mothers – who I can depend on for support just as your Spiritual Mammas – I love them all dearly. I have known them for most of my life, they are so full of wisdom and always tell it like it is! 

    My Psion – I am lost without it. I use it as I would use a daily journal and small netbook. It doesn’t have access to the internet. They are now obsolete, but I purchase a replacement on  E-bay, whenever I need a replacement or spare. Although I am a gadget person, nothing beats my Psion.

    God Bless Buky, may the Lord’s face continue to shine upon you and your family.

    • Hello Ms Carole, I am so glad to be back and you have been missed lady. You were in my thoughts during the riot in London last week. I trust all is well with you and your family.

      Thank you for sharing your “Dream Team”. We all need prayer partners and the mammas, what would we do without them.

      Psion? I remember them, oh gosh they are still around? I had to go check them out on ebay. Yes they still have them. 

      I know what you mean i still have my Palm One Tungsten PDA, i just cant part with it and its my back-up for my old contacts.

      Thanks for your prayer, thanks for being a blessing.

  2. Welcome back Buky!

    You have an amazing dream team and I’m going LOL when I read about your i-phone and laptop. How is Joshua and the rest of your God-given beautiful family? Looking foward to some inspiring posts from you. God bless you all

    • Lara Daniels,

      How are you friend?

      We are all doing great, Josh is awesome and he is huge, lol. 

      I am so glad to be back and thank you for sticking around and always supportive.

      Have a blessed week ahead.

  3. Pingback: Bukville ~ From Average To Amazing » Blog Archive » 30 Days Of Thankfulness – Day 7

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