Day 16 ~ 22 – Of Thankfulness

Day 16 ~ Thankful For My Family

My family members are all over the world. We don’t all get to see each other or even stay connected as much as we’d like to. Still blood is thicker than water and I carry you all in my heart. Every year I tell myself that I will do better at communication, but who am I kidding, right?

I am thankful for the Quarrels/Peace, Forgiveness/Rebuke, Misunderstanding/Fairness, Praise/Lambast, Silent treatment/Acceptance, Sarcasm/Kindness, Love/Dislike, Patience/Intolerant, Loyal/Undependable, Reconciliation/Denial, Support/Opposition, Compassion/Harshness.

You name it, we have experienced it this year. While I can’t choose my family, I wouldn’t change them either.  Life is a process that we  must experience and hopefully the lessons learned will bear positive fruits for the future.

All the same, thanks for keeping it real. Thanks for being you while I remain moi. Thank you for being a part of my journey and for being your true genuine self.

Family is more than just blood, it’s about loving unconditionally. When we fight, lets fight fair and treat each other with kid gloves. When the going gets tough, family can always step up to the plate.

Day 17 ~ Thankful For Bukville

I am very thankful for Bukville and the opportunity to share my journey with so many. This forum has been quite good for me, it helps keep me sane. Thanks to all my followers/readers/commenters/fans. You have helped make this experience a special one.

Thanks for taking the time to connect with me from all over the world. I am always amazed when I find out your locations. Thank you for making this a valuable experience.

This outlet has given me such enjoyment and I feel so proud of my “little blog”. It has given me the opportunity to meet so many interesting people. It has become a platform to showcase my God-given talent and passion. Through this venue my life is being enriched and I am encouraged to “go for it”!

Day 18 ~ Thankful For British Tea

I start each day with a cup of British tea, Tetley. There is nothing like a British brew to start the day. It’s the last thing I drink at night too. No one make a cuppa like my hubby, I never say NO to a cuppa.

While running errands during the day, my second best option is Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks. Still, nothing beats a cup of Tetley tea.

You can take the girl out of England but you can’t take England out of the girl. Lol

Day 19 ~ Thankful For KSBJ

KSBJ is the only radio channel I listen to. They keep me up to date with contemporary Christian music. I like the fact that the DJ’s don’t talk over the music and they stay clear of  getting political.

KSBJ is a Christ-centered, non-profit, listener-supported radio ministry; there are no commercials. My children love the songs and you can find us dancing and signing along while I’m driving.

Day 20 ~ Thankful For My Gizmos eg Wii, Apple Ipad, MacBook, Kindle, Digital SLR Camera.

I am  so thankful for my gizmos, maybe i should say i am thankful to my husband who indulges me in my various gizmo. Our entire family is into gizmo. I honestly have to hide my Ipad to use it, David goes nuts when he sees my Ipad. They think the Ipad belongs to them simply because I have downloaded children’s apps on it. It surely helps when we pay a visit to the Pediatrician!

My latest obsession is the Nikon Digital SLR Camera. I wish I had this years ago. Its perfect for our family of 5, it takes great pictures. I am yet to master the video recording aspect. I use my Iphone for all my recording because it’s always so close-by.



I am the female Tiger Woods on the golf course. It’s the only time and only game I can trash my husband while playing Wii. Even though I have never played on grass before but the Wii game has given me a lot of confidence that I can take to the sport without any problem.

Who knows maybe there is a hidden talent there? Who knows!

Thank you Steve Jobs for the wonderful inventions. I never got to meet you in person but the day you died I took time out to think of the impact you have made to our lives. It took me by surprise how I reacted to your death, through your inventions you’d become a friend. You may be gone but your legacy lives on. May your soul rest in perfect peace.

Day 21 ~ Electricity and Clean Water

Growing up in Nigeria and not always having electricity made me have a better appreciation for continous flow of power in Northern America. Occasionally  due to bad weather we get the odd power shortage and my natural instinct is to cry out NEPA. NEPA is the authority in charge of electricity in Nigeria and that name is absolutely useless. Growing up in Nigeria one gets used to being without electricity sometimes for weeks, no joke. Somehow we survived. Human beings are more resilient and usually can cope with anything including the absence of running water.

We had access to clean water but you have to draw it up from the well. Dont get this mixed up with the scripture in Isaiah 12:3  “With joy you will draw water from the well of salvation.”  The well I am referring to is real and its still there at the back of my house!

We regularly have to boil the water before drinking it since that is the easier way of catching something. I absolutely dont miss drawing up water for my bath and having to take it all the way up the stairs!

These are things we take for granted in America but not moi. I am grateful for eletricity and clean running water.

Day 22 ~ Thankful For DVR

The chances that I get to watch a program  onTV with total concentration is zilt. Majority of the time I record  any of my programs and I watch them when the children are in bed. I find myself racing to watch them so that I can delete the old programs before running out of space for more recordings.

I record anything you name. My 2 year old doesn’t understant that Diego and Backyardigans are not on 24/7. When he demands to watch them, try explaining that its not on and all you get is tantrums and noises. My DVR to the rescue, saves my eardrums and sanity.

The best part is you can rewind, fast forward and skip all the adverts. Its also fun to share the moment with my hubby when our children are in bed!

What did we do before DVR? Oh the video recorder I guess, seems so ancient now. Oh well!

About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.

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