It’s never too early to teach children about privileges and responsibilities.
We give our children way too much all in the name of love. If we are not careful we may be raising a generation of spoilt brats.
“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” By Koop C Everett
We have taught Faith and David about privileges in our home. They also understood that it would be withdrawn if they are disobedient.
Our children have far much more than we’ve had and we want them never to take that for granted.
So when Faith decided she was going to be disobedient lately all her privileges were withdrawn and it was an opportunity to teach her about responsibility.
I am teaching her that she has to earn her privileges back. Faith will never have to earn our love, which is unconditional, but our love is not tied to stuff.
Faith enjoys helping me around the house; sometimes her help creates more work. Still you have to let them help out in their own way. Moreover she is at the age that she thinks chores are fun and she loves to vacuum.
I made a big deal of purchasing her very own vacuum cleaner. None of those toy vacuums, the real deal. Eureka –Quickup lightweight vacuum. Believe me she was super excited the day she got it, lets see how long that excitement lasts!
In order for her to regain her computer time privilege back, she opted to do the vacuuming and I have never seen a child so happy to vacuum.
Afterwards she really valued her computer-time and feels good about helping me.
Even the bible teaches, “to whom much is given, from him much will be required” – Luke 12:48 (NKJV)
Jesus taught in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30, about a landowner who returned to find two stewards who had been responsible and one that hadn’t been. The landowner said to the responsible stewards, “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” Jesus was teaching his disciples that those who are responsible would receive more. And those who are not the little they have will be taken away from them.
With great privilege comes great responsibility. Far too many people want the privileges without the responsibilities.
Amen to that!