Selah Notes ~ Thy Word Is Settled


Ps 119:89 – Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.


Everything God says about you is final, accomplished, and established. Align yourself to His word irrespective of your current situation.

Don’t be discouraged when others don’t celebrate or understand the dream God gave to you.

Remember it is not for them, it is for you, so run with the vision today. Selah

About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.


  1. These are deep words…I especially like the last one

  2. One of my favorite scriptures!

  3. I’ve been considering a particular line of career, which my husband strongly disagrees with. But this note just inspired me. “Don’t be discouraged when others don’t celebrate or understand the dream God gave to you.” Thanks Buky

    • Fre, congrats on the new career path, I pray it will fulfill you in many ways.

      Its always best to be on the same page with our husband in agreement. There is no expiration date for your career, you can do it anytime. Having your husband on board would only make your transition much happier and you will have him to share the trials and joy of life.

      Patience is the key here and trying to understand why he disagrees. Men usually see the bigger picture we sometimes fail to see. Timing is very important, maybe as a family the timing may not be right now but later would be perfect. I pray that the Lords will give you the wisdom and understanding to work this out in peace.

  4. You are truly an encourager at heart. Thanks for this scripture and reminder

    • Funmi ~ Its the power of Christ in our lives that enable us to lift one another up. Freely I receive from God all that I share here. There is so much depth in Christ, we havent even scratch the surface yet!

  5. Hello Bukki. So glad to be on your page again. I do not receive your post anymore. I wonder why. Compliments of the season to you and yours.

    • Adetola, Compliments to you too! Wow, its great to have you back on Bukville. How are things with you? I’m sorry you have not been receiving my blog, ok if you dont mind subscribing again.

      Ok, let’s catch up, looking forward to your email!

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