We Are All Worshippers

Worship is an expression of our love to God. Worship is not about songs or instruments, it’s our personal appreciation to God.

Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped. – Jack Hayford

We are created to worship God, in fact, it is our first purpose in the world.

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, because you made all things. Everything existed and was made, because you wanted it.”
Revelation 4:11, NCV.

“The greatest worship songs are not on the Billboard, neither are they on public display at concerts. They are not written on a paper, they are offered in private worship to a great God.
These songs are written on our hearts.. “- Buky Ojelabi

We Are All Worshippers

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalms 150:6 

Be selective in what you watch and listen to. A great TIP on how to take charge of the atmosphere in your homes is by listening to gospel music. All the radios in my home are on the same channel 24/7 – KSBJ.org Our children from birth have been listening to praise and worship songs. 
Nothing makes my heart smile than to see my 2-year-old son lifting up holy hands to God through Chris Tomlin & Israel Houghton songs.  Imagine how God must feel?

Come One. Come All
If you are thirsty, Come to the Source of Living Water.
Come and drink, you will never thirst again.
Come, everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters!
Come to the Well and be filled.
Come to Jesus; Fountain of Living Water

Can I be honest with you? I am blessed with many gifts but singing isn’t one of them. If I sing out loud at church, others may flee. Lol. Seriously, that has never stopped me!

I am not very good with lyrics, I tend to sing many songs together since I can’t remember the next verse or chorus. Guess what I do? I make up my own songs, yes I do. You may add singer, songwriter to my list of talents. 

Lately, I’ve started to record some of my songs. My children love them and I can’t seem to remember them the next time, Duh!

The children are having a blast just rejoicing in His presence. We are raising a family of worshippers; catch them young. You can do the same too.

There you go, you have no reason not to worship the King of kings. Make up your own personal songs and give a performance to your audience of One, Jesus Christ.

Let Us Pray
Lord, I am desperate for You, let the sound of heaven invade my heart. Let your Shekinah glory fill this temple. I surrender all to You my Lord, my Savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.


  1. Honestly, there is nothing like true worship. Lol at not remembering your own songs again. Great that your kids listen and love Christian music from a young age, so lovely.

  2. Adebo Adeyemi Iyanda

    i so much encouraged through this your website. I pray that the Almighty will continue to increase you in wisdom & knowledge. All will be well with you in Jesus. Please ma sister buki pray for me. I need God to supply capital for my business. I want God to make me a blessing to others.

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