Hold Fast To Your Confession
I create my own reality with my thoughts and confessions. It’s a great life. You should give it a try! Keep speaking what you desire, with time you will have it. It’s not a magic, these are simple spiritual laws that anyone can benefit from.
We must not waver in our faith, even when we do not see the answers yet. Let’s hold on to our confessions because in due time it will manifest. Remember the Shunammite woman in 1st Kings, she kept on saying, “It is well”, even when her son was lying dead.
Remember the Shunammite woman in 1st Kings, she kept on saying, “It is well”, even when her son was lying dead.
We have the mind of Christ, we can not afford to entertain negative thoughts. Let’s take charge, and be in control of our thoughts. Filter and dump any thoughts that are not uplifting or shaping your destiny.
I’d be lying if I say it’s easy, on my own it’s difficult but with Christ, it is so much easier. Give it a try by the hour, then daily. Keep moving forward regardless of the present circumstances.
With God it’s easier, we can’t depend on our strength alone. Giving up is not the end, you can always get back up again.
Hold fast to God’s promises!
God is not slack concerning His promises.
” For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus”. (Phil 1:6 NASB)
Put an end to every thought of lack and start thinking abundance. You have everything you need for RIGHT NOW. Use what you already have! Be thankful, You are God’s Masterpiece.
Let us not deceive one another. There are going to be tough times, but tough times has never met Someone like YOU before
You were created for such a time as this. The battle is the Lord, maintain your position. Storms never last. I see you coming out stronger and better!
The battlefield is indeed in the mind. I like that you wrote about creating your reality with your thoughts and confessions; I completely agree.
I believe that holding fast to our confession and controlling our thoughts are major principles that we must practise consciously, especially as children of God. It is true that our thoughts create our reality. Thanks for this timely reminder.
Thanks for the great advise and confident that you put up. I wish to always receive such powerful and spiritual words.