“Don’t hate those who oppose you. They’re there to provoke you into your destiny. Don’t forget to send them an anonymous thank you card later!” ― Buky Ojelabi
Hindsight is a beautiful thing. Don’t let resentment steal your blessing. You are too blessed to be bitter!
About Buky
Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.
Amen. Hilarious reminder lol, and the point is very well taken! There’s no point resenting others, it is just a waste of time. “Too blessed to be bitter” ~ Amen! Love this. Thanks for sharing!
Haha! I love it. Learning to laugh at life is a healthy way to live. I am glad you appreciate the humor in life too.