I take life way too seriously, and easily I could be my own worst critic. Through the love of Christ, my brokenness becomes whole when given to God. It’s an ongoing journey of the daily renewing of my mind. I am learning to handle myself with love, kindness, and gentleness and loving myself faults, and all changes the way I see myself and others.
You are a human being with emotions.
Don’t be ashamed of your brokenness.
Flesh and blood are susceptible to wear and tear.
Healing and self-care bring clarity and wholeness.
My brokenness is made whole when I give it to God
Don’t be ashamed of your brokenness. Deep wounds rarely heal in the dark. Let the refreshing air of love, tenderness, and the aroma of life fan healing and restoration.
Life is about mastering the art of living: self-love, forgiveness, compassion, learning, growing, and becoming better than who you were yesterday.
Prayer: Dear Lord, Heal hearts that are broken and in pain. Though on the outward, we act strong, you see beyond our facade; we are weak and broken. Let your healing flow to the roots of our pain. Shed your light and love into our hearts. Once again, draw us to Yourself, and our hearts will flow of your tenderness. Your peace whispers wisdom to every fiber of our being. Then peace, love, and joy will flow through us to others.