Your past only disqualifies you with those who are not a part of your destiny.
Your past stays in the past with those who God has called to help you. Those who are not willing to play a significant part in your destiny will find fault and point out all the negatives why you can’t succeed. Note them, but don’t lose sleep over them. Where you are going, they can’t get you there. Even if you are Jesus they would not still support you. Not everyone is for you or on your side. Those who are for you will cross the ocean to cast their support because it’s in their DNA to do so. They see the new YOU because they’ve walked in your shoes and are recipient of God’s grace.
Your past does not disqualify you before God. Don’t disqualify yourself, you are not the person you used to be. See yourself as a new creation in Christ. God is doing a new thing in you, see yourself overcoming against the odds, dig your heels in.