You are not alone. All our lives are interwoven. Don’t believe the lies that you don’t need anyone and you can do life by yourself. God loves to use people to further His Kingdom assignment. You are part of God’s big plan. Don’t go it alone! We need one another.
Don’t Do Life Alone
You are not designed to function in isolation. You are wired for fellowship and relationship with God and His children. You are part of a body; an incomplete body cannot perform to its full potential. You matter!
You cannot accomplish the plans, visions and dreams God has birth in you alone. Throughout the bible we read how God used people for His purpose. Love, cherish and honor the people God has placed in your life!
You are not called to do life alone. Invest your time wisely with people who are going in the same direction as you. Love, Friendship, Favor, Transformation, Growth, Empowerment and a new lease on Life await you! Connect & Thrive.
If we treat each other like brothers & sisters instead of tearing one another apart, the world will be a better place for all to live in.