Choices Divide. Deal with it. Life as a Christian sometimes requires flying solo in our choices.
In life you don’t get to sit on the fence or plead the Fifth: not making a choice is a choice. There is no middle ground or playing safe, you are either for or against and as long as you are breathing, life presents you with choices.
When your life is defined by a set of principles you won’t pander to pressure.
Let people know what you stand for.
God presents us with a very important choice. Today I ask heaven and earth to be witnesses. I am offering you life or death, blessings or curses. Now, choose life! Then you and your children may live. Deuteronomy 30:19, NCV.
From Genesis to Revelations, we see the impact of choices for generations. From Abraham having Ismael to Jacob stealing his birth-right and Jesus choosing to lay his life down for the sins of the world.
When you gave your life to Christ you became a marked person. You are marked by the blood of Jesus Christ. You also caught the attention of the devil. Being a friend of Christ makes you an enemy of the devil and the world. Friends of my enemy are my enemies. Your choice will bring division from your friends and family. Be Ok with that.
Your choices matter and they carry consequences whether you know it or not. Every choices, words, and action produce an effect. Your thoughts, behaviors, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it. Nothing just happened!
You will never please everyone no matter how hard you try. Live to please God, not man.
Seek the face of God and his word. Do not take another decision without the leading of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to guide you in all your ways and wait for instructions.
Every great dream you’ll ever achieve in life starts with a DECISION. You’ll never know what you can achieve until you make that critical choice.
Your choices and decisions today will determine your destiny tomorrow. You have the power to change your life today! Think long-term when making a decision. Your destiny is in your hands.
You have the freedom to do whatever you like, but you must also be prepared to live with the consequences of your choice. God has given you a free will, be careful what you do with it.
Don’t be afraid to make difficult choices. You are one decision away from happiness.

In this season of your life, you don’t have time for trial and error. Time wasted may never be regained.You will hit the bulls-eye!
The decision to serve God is the most important decision you will ever make. This One decision will shape the direction of your life and be more decisive in future decisions.
There are many great opportunities ahead of you, ask God for discernment in making the right decision.
In order to live a life pleasing and glorifying to God, you’ll run the risk of making others angry and upset!
PRAYER: Lord, in my eagerness and desperation I’ve made wrong choices, forgive me and direct my heart back to you. Remove stubborn pride from my heart, help me to find my way back to you. I know nothing I’ve done can separate me from your love. I take comfort in your loving kindness and grace. Amen.
Lord, help me to see the things that you see, to hear your voice clearly today. Holy Spirit, help me to discern the truth and make godly choices. Remove the veil from my heart and eyes so that I may listen and obey your instructions. Amen.
Question: Choices divide – Are you willing to become infamous for what your beliefs?
Buky, this post is so powerful and life changing if we just sit down and meditate over it; breathing it in and making it an everyday staple of our lives, rather than the occasional now and then answer for some circumstances. Thank you & God Bless you and your family.
Greta, I always appreciate your feedback. Thank you for being here!