When you become the person you want to attract, you will know and attract the person you want to be with.
I hear this all the time: a good man or woman is hard to find. I disagree! They are everywhere and here is why: For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. 1 Timothy 4:4.
And before you think it’s okay for her, she’s been married for 12 years and has 3 children, and life has dealt her a good hand and she doesn’t get it. Only if you knew the paths I’ve walked, they were not all paved with roses, more like thorns. I’ve been there, done that and have my share of sad stories too.
You Attract What You Believe.
Despite all the bad news in the media and discouraging statistics regarding divorce. This much I can attest to after living on 3 continents: the world is still full of great people. But you will not find great people on your paths if you believe the world is full of wicked, evil and mean people. All you will find are the reflection of your own heart.
Many times I hear women say “men are dogs”, men are losers and they are all the same. Are you kidding me! No wonder all they meet are the confirmation of their hearts.
I also hear men say: “there are no good women out there”, “a good woman is hard to find”, “and all the good ones are already taken”. Seriously! Guess what: you attract what you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth.
All human beings are not the same. There are good and bad of every kind. Don’t allow your past experience to cloud your vision. When you become the love you desire, you will attract the love you deserve.
Could it be the reason you are not attracting the one is that you are not the one or you don’t know what you want? Light attracts light and deep calls unto deep! Many times we want something we are not willing to be ourselves. Then you are unable to identify and appreciate them when they show up.
Change Start With You.
In order to attract the one, you will need to know what the one look, feel and think like. Once you know who you are, you can identify the one. No longer will you invest your time in dead and unequally yoked relationships.
I’m not sure had my husband met me years before we did, I may not have recognized that He was the one. I was still in the process of becoming. We are no good to anyone if we don’t know who we are. The process of discovery is ongoing and continuous through different stages in life.
Don’t settle for someone you can shack up with. Marry someone you can’t live without.
Due to our past relationships and life experiences, we’ve become untrusting, cynical, fearful, guarded and confused. Yet, with time comes clarity, wisdom, then courage. We can rediscover who we are and what we want, then realistically we can give birth to us: something beautiful, genuine, whole and real.
Marriage is the union of two broken people being made whole through the love of Christ.
There are 7 billion people in the world and there is more than one person out there for you. Make the necessary adjustment in your heart and make room for love. You are the one in your own way and the only person who can make the change.
Work On You.
The most important job you will ever have is working on yourself. Pay attention to your life.
Live in the moment. Change as your life evolves. Knowing and working on yourself continuously is an obligation you owe to yourself.
Until you discover the real you: who is loving and worthy of love, kind, generous, considerate, forgiving, always see the good in others and does not keep scores, you will keep attracting the opposite.
When you become the person you want to attract, you will know and attract the person you want to be with.
Don’t go on another date. Don’t break any more hearts, the answer you seek after is not in another person, it’s in you.
We are no good to anyone until we know who we are. We cannot love someone else until we learn to love ourselves first.
God bless you dear Buky! Like dew on the flowers, during dry season, may the Holy Spirit encourage you today!