Painful Endings.

Letting go is hard, and painful, but the pain will not kill you. For a season it may seem like you won’t ever recover, with time you will heal. As you mourn the loss, forgive and let it go. Don’t hate yourself for decisions you made which contributed to where you are today. Don’t judge yourself too harshly; you made the right decision based on the information and wisdom you had at the time.

Don’t hate others whom you invited into your life whose journey has come to an end. Be thankful for the lessons When a relationship comes to an end: don’t speak ill of them. Just pray for them. Wish them well and send them off with your blessings. Thank God for new doors. A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:4, NASB)

As you transition forward, remember the lessons learned and don’t forget the good times. You are wiser and stronger now, leap into the future. Let it go: dwelling on past pain creates self-doubt, which only delays your future happiness. After the pain comes laughter. After the rain comes sunshine. Tomorrow the sun will rise, and you will smile again. You will find your rhythm and dance like never before.

Today, let go of all bitterness. Holding on to bitterness is holding you back. Forgive yourself and everybody else. Do it right now! Now is all that is guaranteed not tomorrow

If you have nothing kind and encouraging to say, keep it to yourself. Can we all agree the world has enough mean-spirited people as it is? Be the one who brings a ray of sunshine and hopes to those around you.

When the life you once had is over, you have the opportunity to embrace the new with optimism or wallow in self-pity and regrets over the past. Don’t get stuck; you can rise again. God can make a new life out of the ruins of your old life.

What I know Today: Endings are painful, but nothing leaves your life. They are life lessons learned for tomorrow. Everything happens for a reason, and whatever leaves your life is not wasted.

There comes a time, when you say “enough is enough.” I pray today is that day to put an end to your pain. Forgive and let It GO! 

About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.

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