What Do You Have In Your Hand?
As long as the earth remains, your God-given gift will forever be in demand. There will always be opportunities to exercise your gift. You may lose your job, but you will never lose your gift.
Recognize, appreciate and value your God-given gift. Whatever you have in your hand is what God will bless. Stop comparing your gift to others. Little or small, ask God to bless it. Your gift will make room for you. A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. Proverbs 18:16, AKJV.
Do not neglect or despise your gift. When you focus on developing your gift, it will make room for you. You already have a gift waiting to be discovered and developed. Your gift may appear insignificant to you, yet, it’s the very thing God will use to bless you and others.
Your gift looks insignificant because it is not connected to the vision God has for your life. And because you’ve not done anything to earn or deserve it.
Discovering your gift enables you to step into leadership, overcome your fear and live a truly fulfilling life. Only a few would seize their moment when it’s presented to them on a gold platter due to fear of feeling unqualified.
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6, ESV.
Feeling unqualified?
This fear once plagued me, almost crippled me and I still have to fend it off at times.
Your gift and talent qualify you for your purpose, not your education. No amount of education, drive to succeed, affirmation, and willpower is able to overcome a lack of knowing your purpose and gift.
When others see opportunity and potential, one sees all the reasons why it won’t work due to fear. The solution for overcoming feeling unqualified is to know God’s will for your life and depend on Him.
It’s frustrating and unfulfilling to continue to watch others live out their dreams. It’s depressing to allow this fear to haunt you for the rest of your life. Surround yourself with people who have discovered their purpose and gift, and are pursuing their God-given vision.
Years ago I signed up for Toast Masters. I almost didn’t show up on the first day, but I knew I had to for myself. I was pleasantly surprised how welcoming and friendly everyone was. After all, we were all there to overcome our fear together and make new friends on the same life journey.
Prayerfully Step Out.
God qualifies the called, not by man’s valuation or qualifications. The next time an opportunity presents itself, prayerfully step out. Stop thinking about all the reasons why you can’t do it, rather focus on all the lessons you would learn and who you could become.
Your gift and talent are opportunities to develop your strength, serve others and fulfill your purpose.
What I know Today: As long as the earth remains, your God-given gift will forever be in demand. There will always be opportunities to exercise your gift. You may lose your job, but you will never lose your gift.
You are somebody’s hero: do it for them. You are someone’s voice: speak up.
Someone’s life depends on you: fight for them.