Nothing Just Happens.

Nothing about your life is random or happenstance. You are wired the way you are to fulfill your calling and assignment.

Nothing Just Happens. There Is A Reason For Everything.

There is a reason you are attracted to certain people.

There is a reason you are passionate about something.

There is a reason you think the way you do.

There is a reason you gravitate towards a specific profession.

There is a reason you are wired the way you are.

There is a reason you feel certain things more in-depth than others.

There is a reason you are drawn to solve a particular problem.

There is a reason some behaviors trigger you.

There is a reason you have the personality you have.

There is a reason you have a proclivity towards a particular thing.

I can go on and on…

Everything is not black or white. There is a depth to all human experience.
There is a lesson behind the lesson and the meaning behind the meaning. 

Your inner work is your God-given assignment.

God created you with a purpose and a plan. It’s your job to unpack the deep and hidden meaning through a relationship with Christ. By spending alone and quiet time with God, He will lead you into all knowledge and understanding of things pertaining to you.

There is a purpose to everything God created, permitted, and allowed. 

You are not weird or crazy. You are wired the way you are to fulfill your calling and assignment. You are unique. Explore, Honor, and Celebrate these things that make you, you.

When you know whose you are and who you are, you will run the race of life differently.

About Buky

Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.

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