Individuality Is The Bedrock of Innovation.

We live in a society that always try to redefine beauty, where fake is celebrated and natural beauty is shunned. Don’t lose yourself in our unbalanced world. Be authentic in who you are. Individuality never goes out of style; it’s the bedrock of innovation. Rock your individuality!

No.1 Fan

Don’t let oppositions and critics discourage you from pursuing your dreams. Dream Bigger dreams. When nobody cheered for me, I cheered for myself knowing fully well I will reap the…

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Be Happy Now

You might as well be happy in WHO you are, WHAT you have and WHERE you live. Joy and contentment are not found in possessions, people, places or professions. Christ alone is our sufficiency, and Christ is everywhere.

Contentment: Be Happy Now!



Avoid Silly Debate

Avoid the temptation of being drawn into silly debate. Don’t fall into traps set by those with hidden agendas. You have nothing to prove.  

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