God Is still Working In Me

I was foolish, I’ve been stupid, and I will no doubt make dumb decisions in the future. But I’m not where I used to be. God is still working in me; I am well on my way to an amazing future!

You Are Not An Accident.

  Nothing in your life is an accident. Your life is masterfully planned by God ~ Buky Ojelabi But God—who set me apart even before birth and called me by…

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You Can Do It!

If anyone can do it, it’s You! Through pain, disappointment and rejection. These are just stepping-stones you must overcome. Fear is not your middle name. You have dominion power. Victory is your birthright! ~ Buky Ojelabi

You Are Not Your Family.

“You are not the family you were born into. Your family is not the making of you, God is!” ― Buky Ojelabi

Trust God’s Timing.

While God is putting the broken pieces of our lives back together. We must be careful not to condemn, judge and write ourselves off. Most importantly be patient. It’s a Process. Trust His timing. He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Gone But Not Forgotten.

Today, I am thankful for all the great people who have touched my life. They have restored my faith in humanity and shown me who I can aspire to be…

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Unhealthy Opinions

Don’t expect those who do not have a healthy opinion of themselves to have one of you.

The Lies We Believed

It’s not what others have said that hurt us the most. It’s the lies we believed about ourselves that caused us the most pain and hurt. ~Buky Ojelabi