Individuality Is The Bedrock of Innovation.

We live in a society that always try to redefine beauty, where fake is celebrated and natural beauty is shunned. Don’t lose yourself in our unbalanced world. Be authentic in who you are. Individuality never goes out of style; it’s the bedrock of innovation. Rock your individuality!

The Lies We Believed

It’s not what others have said that hurt us the most. It’s the lies we believed about ourselves that caused us the most pain and hurt. ~Buky Ojelabi

Your Life, Your Decision

You have not chosen the way you were born. But from today onwards, you can choose the way you live your life. Don’t just live for living sake. Live for…

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  Be careful who you share your dreams and aspirations with. Not everyone is happy for you. ‎#BeWise

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Go Big and Bold.

I pray as you read this, the Lord will touch your heart and open your spirit to receive it that the eyes of your understanding may see the hope of…

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I Am Me

This is for every woman who struggles with coming to terms with self-identity; who have refused to be put in a box. Man cannot define that which he did not…

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I Dethrone Myself

We are often the biggest obstacles to achieving our dreams and goals. As I reflect on my life, the struggles and many poor choices I made,  I know that I…

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Mind Your Own Business

The year was 2000, I was a member of Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) London. The Senior pastor Matthew Ashimolowo was preaching, it was New Year service and his message…

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