Remember whose child you are. You’re a chosen vessel created for good works. You’re holy and acceptable to the Lord. You have not chosen Christ but He has chosen you with everlasting love. ~ Buky Ojelabi
You are the visible expression of the invisible God, who takes delight in seeing His wonderful plan for your life unfold. If you could only see what He sees. You are beautiful in His sight and dearly loved. ~ Buky Ojelabi
Remember whose you are. You’re the child of the Most High God. A citizen of the Kingdom of God, an Ambassador for Christ with diplomatic immunity. Walk in the abundance of God’s grace, power and privilege through Christ Jesus. ~Buky Ojelabi
Remember whose child you are. You’re created in the image of God. You’re not inferior; you’re unique, fearfully and wonderfully made. Embrace your true identity deeply rooted in Christ Jesus and be whole today. ~ Buky Ojelabi
Remember whose child you are. You are the voice of God on earth; the power of life and death is in your tongue. You have the authority to decree a thing and it shall be established unto you. Don’t forget who you are! ~ Buky Ojelabi
Nice words! Beautifully written.
Remain Blessed
Hi Ifeoma, I’m glad to “see” you here. Thank you for stopping by.