Are You Ready For 2011?

As I was looking back on the vision set for 2010, I remember starting Bukville. I was scared and not too sure of myself but I have some really great people that truly believed in me.

Kim Dixx was my Life Coach. She is a great coach too and really played a vital role in the birth of Bukville. Thank you Ms Kim for having faith in me and for your wonder advice and encouragement.

Until I met Kim Dixx I didn’t really have an appreciation of what Life Coaching is all about. Ms Kim is awesome and simply the best.

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The Year Of DOING IT

Enough is enough, its time to grow up and be an adult. There will always be something that prevent us from achieving our goals if we let it. I do understand that lives is about seasons and you should know what seasons you are in so that you can set realistic goals.

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