Painful Endings.

Letting go is hard, and painful, but the pain will not kill you. For a season it may seem like you won’t ever recover, with time you will heal. As…

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No.1 Fan

Don’t let oppositions and critics discourage you from pursuing your dreams. Dream Bigger dreams. When nobody cheered for me, I cheered for myself knowing fully well I will reap the…

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Avoid Silly Debate

Avoid the temptation of being drawn into silly debate. Don’t fall into traps set by those with hidden agendas. You have nothing to prove.  

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God Is still Working In Me

I was foolish, I’ve been stupid, and I will no doubt make dumb decisions in the future. But I’m not where I used to be. God is still working in me; I am well on my way to an amazing future!

Gone But Not Forgotten.

Today, I am thankful for all the great people who have touched my life. They have restored my faith in humanity and shown me who I can aspire to be…

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Unhealthy Opinions

Don’t expect those who do not have a healthy opinion of themselves to have one of you.