The Best Is Yet To Come.

Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. – Anonymous.  Hold on, blessings, favor, and unexpected miracles are coming your way. …

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September; Month of Completion

Happy New Month Everyone. Then number (9) Nine symbolizes divine completion, perfection, totality and a complete circle.  Can we come into agreement together that September is our month of Completion? According to Psalm 138:8…

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A Prayer For November

Prayer For November

As you start the new month, remember God’s faithful in the past. Remember His loving kindness and endless favor. You can trust and depend on Him again and again! Therefore,…

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Go Big and Bold.

I pray as you read this, the Lord will touch your heart and open your spirit to receive it that the eyes of your understanding may see the hope of…

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