God Bless Her Boo Boo

Faith enjoys grocery shopping with me. She think its cool that we can “hang-out” together especially for grocery shopping. Faith is 4yrs going on 10!

I enjoy grocery shopping by myself; it’s a like a mini holiday by myself. It’s my alone time to think and just clear my head. I don’t get many opportunities to spend alone time by myself. So I look forward to my time alone shopping. I am not a fan of malls so you will hardly catch me there.

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Pregnancy – Helpful Tips While Waiting On God To Conceive.

These are helpful tips to help you get through those tough times while you wait on God for your precious babies.

Whether you chose to go thru the IVF, Natural or Adoption route you still need God’s guidance and agreement with your husband.
Children are a blessing and they will bring you a lot of joy and sleepless nights, lol.

Wives let us not forget that our husbands are hurting too, they don’t show it but they feel our pain and are struggling because they can’t fix this. They are the silent warriors that are often pushed to the side. Don’t forget to minister to him too. If you don’t, someone else might help ya!

Savings – Use this time wisely to have a healthy bank account, you sure will need it. Having a first child can turn you into a fashionista. You have waited this long for a child, who cares about the cost? You will have to keep your head cool and not spend it all at once.

Learn a new hobby or craft – I took up bead making and sewing, I was absolutely crappy at them both, lol. I still have my sewing machine to remind me today!

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