Individuality Is The Bedrock of Innovation.

We live in a society that always try to redefine beauty, where fake is celebrated and natural beauty is shunned. Don’t lose yourself in our unbalanced world. Be authentic in who you are. Individuality never goes out of style; it’s the bedrock of innovation. Rock your individuality!

Be Happy Now

You might as well be happy in WHO you are, WHAT you have and WHERE you live. Joy and contentment are not found in possessions, people, places or professions. Christ alone is our sufficiency, and Christ is everywhere.

Contentment: Be Happy Now!



God Is still Working In Me

I was foolish, I’ve been stupid, and I will no doubt make dumb decisions in the future. But I’m not where I used to be. God is still working in me; I am well on my way to an amazing future!

Your Chance To Shine

Opportunities are often wrapped around problems. Pay attention and don’t miss your chance to shine. Good morning friends! ~ Buky Ojelabi

Victory is Yours

Good Morning. Fight and endure as a good soldier. God is on your side, victory is yours! Have a blessed day. ~ Buky Ojelabi

You Got This!

Oppositions always come when you are on the right path. Don’t give in to discouragement. Remember you were born for such a time as this; you are ready. You Got This! Good Morning Beloved.~ Buky Ojelabi

New Opportunities

It’s a new day. May God open your eyes to see new opportunities. May you have enough courage to step into your greatness. ~Buky Ojelabi

Great Expectations

Greet today with great expectations of what the Lord has prepared for you. Focus on His love, goodness and mercy. Good morning friends! ~ Buky Ojelabi


You Are Not Your Family.

“You are not the family you were born into. Your family is not the making of you, God is!” ― Buky Ojelabi

Trust God’s Timing.

While God is putting the broken pieces of our lives back together. We must be careful not to condemn, judge and write ourselves off. Most importantly be patient. It’s a Process. Trust His timing. He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Unhealthy Opinions

Don’t expect those who do not have a healthy opinion of themselves to have one of you.

The Lies We Believed

It’s not what others have said that hurt us the most. It’s the lies we believed about ourselves that caused us the most pain and hurt. ~Buky Ojelabi

It’s Just An Opinion!

Stop having a Hissy Fit over someone’s opinion of you. It’s just an opinion! It’s not the “gospel.” People have the right to run their mouth! Just don’t let their mouth ruin your day!

Stay In Your Lane

Run your own race and stay in your lane. Stop trying to compete with someone else. There is a specific path God has for you, that is where you will excel.



Life’s Detours

Although I may not like the different streets and paths life has taken me through, I have come to appreciate them afterwards.

I have come to appreciate them afterwards.-3

Battles Are Won On Knees In Prayer

Battles are not won in the court of public opinion. Neither by dirty tricks, gossip, slander or hate campaign on Social Media. Battles are won on knees in prayer.

Talk To God

Wireless communication is not a new invention. From the days of Adam and Eve God has been communicating with His Beloved. You can go directly to God without any expensive gadget. Just open your heart and speak to Him, it’s that simple!



Guard Your Heart.


Be careful what you give your heart to. Whatever you pay attention to, GROWS. If you’re easily offended then Offense GROWS and becomes your MASTER. ~ Buky Ojelabi

Guard Your Heart