The bible is not a book about fictional characters; it’s about us. When you put yourself in the story, you will find yourself in the bible.
Remember the story of the children of Israel from Captivity to the Promised Land? I remember the first time I read their trials and woes with frustration.
Time after time, they abandoned God and ran back to their idols. They murmured and complained. Because of their disobedience to God, God punished them by giving their enemy’s power over them. Each time, they prayed and soon returned back to God, pledging their love and allegiance once again. God forgave them each time.
I thought to myself, why can’t they just get it? Why can’t they learn from their mistakes? Why do they keep subjecting themselves to the wrath of God?
Years later I got! The story of the children of Israel is OUR story! Its you and I repeating the same mistakes, going round our mountain and refusing to fight our goliath. We keep running back to our sin and darkness. Yet again God’s love toward us is relentless. Can you see yourself in the story?
When we put ourselves in the story, we see our true self, only then can we truly repent. These are not the days of playing lip service to God. It’s time to get real and personal.
Many died in the wilderness, along with unfulfilled dreams and without seeing the Promised Land. Learn from their mistake and finish strong and whole.
History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Ecclesiastes 1:9
Our lives have been played out in the bible. We are the Moses, Joshua and Jacob, Esther, Ruth and Naomi of today. Find yourself in the story. The bible holds everything we need to live a godly life. Find yourself in the bible.
Our promised Land is heaven, to rule and reign with Christ. We’ve read and heard about it; let’s finish our race and live in eternity together.
Stay blessed Brothers & Sisters
I woke up this morning with the burning desire to spend more time with God. I was looking up quotes for the new year and came across your site — this was definitely God because I am so encouraged. Thank you! xo
Andrea Pettaway, Thank you! May the Lord continue to lead you in the right paths. Happy New Year dear friend.