Finding Your Happy Place

What Is Your Happy Place? Your happy place can be a person, thing, place, or event.  It’s where you come alive, inspired, a safe haven to retreat and find solace. …

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On My Knees

On My Knees

On my knees, life cannot put its limit on me. The natural man cannot comprehend the ways of God. For this reason I bow my knees before the Father. Ephesians 3:14,…

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Fight Back!

My dear friend Betty Swann wrote this encouraging words to me and it blesses me so much, I hope it does the same for you!   The devil is real…

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A Prayer For November

Prayer For November

As you start the new month, remember God’s faithful in the past. Remember His loving kindness and endless favor. You can trust and depend on Him again and again! Therefore,…

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National Day of Prayer

Let’s pray for our country, nation and for godly leaders. Pray that we the people will humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways back to God. Then our leaders will…

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Battles Are Won On Knees In Prayer

Battles are not won in the court of public opinion. Neither by dirty tricks, gossip, slander or hate campaign on Social Media. Battles are won on knees in prayer.