Buky is a ''Desperado after God". She is married to Adey and together they are raising 3 amazing children. She is a natural encourager, loves sharing practical experiences with others. She enjoys writing, reading, dabbling in stock trading, hanging out with friends and serving the body of Christ.
Stand for Something. What I Know Today: When your life is defined by a set of principles you won’t pander to pressure. Let people know what you stand for.
If we are honest most of our prayers are self-seeking and self-serving. It’s in our nature to want more. The flesh will never be satisfied; the more it gets, the…
Wanted. Inspired. Loved. What I Know Today: Time spent with great people nourishes the soul and help bring out your greatness. Go where you are wanted, inspired and loved. SaveSave…
What Do You Have In Your Hand? As long as the earth remains, your God-given gift will forever be in demand. There will always be opportunities to exercise your gift.…
When someone attacks you for no reason. Forgive them for Christ’s sake. When you cannot find it in your heart to forgive or let go. Do it for Christ’s sake. When…
Some things are just not up for discussion. Just leg it! When Potiphar’s wife tried to lure Joseph into an adulterous relationship. The bible stated that “Joseph fled”. He didn’t hang about trying…
Protect your peace! Stay away from negative people. They will only deplete all the goodness in your life. Happiness is contagious. Surround yourself with positive people, keep negative people at…
These are the best days of your life. Do not despise your current season. Life is altogether beautiful. Every day is a new normal, embrace it. You cannot relive yesterday,…
Many people have set lofty goals this year they will not attempt or achieve. Start small. Keep it simple and realistic. Small wins are better than nothing. There is power in…
Dear Mom in waiting, I’ve put these Bible verses together with you in mind. I pray it will minister truth and comfort to you and may the Lord strengthen you. …
The truth is we are all a mess! None is perfect and without sin. So, moving forward, let’s stop acting like we are since we are not. None is righteous,…
Over the years I’ve learned many lessons from my past failed goals. A goal is only effective when it affects every area of my life. We tend to separate and compartmentalized…
Dear Friends, I am guarding my heart, eyes, ears, mouth, and relationships: they are gateways to my life and destiny. Words spoken or heard, thoughts conceived, and deeds seen make…
The only happy marriage you know is yours. Never compare your marriage to others, because you don’t have all the facts. I’ve always told my married friends: My marriage is the…